The Register of Member's Interests Revisited

Having said this what did catch our attention in the Register was the entry for one Cllr Alexander Hugh Wentworth Grant. Besides the very public school sounding name, according to the entry, the young married father has no form of employment, and in fact holds no positons that remunerate him in anyway.
This makes us wonder if he's filthy rich and so doesn't have to work? Or if he's submitted a false entry to the register? Anyone know what he does?
I do happen to know what he does.. or what he used to do.. he is a journalist.
I also take exception to your comments.
Cllr. Grant is one of the hardest working Councillors Greenwich currently has and has supported his local Westcombe Society to the hilt in its attempts to keep a check on unreasonable planning applications and to try and encourage the Old Dover Road traders to do more to support their particular community at this difficult time for small businesses.
His background is of no relevance whatever. Anyone concerned about the 'background' of activists, whether individuals, or linked to Community organisations should look to their own contribution to the same before aimimg criticism.
Too many people are happy to criticise using whatever medium is available to them, yet actually neither say, nor do, anything positive to improve things around them.
Is that the same Westcombe society run by his Dad?
I guess it's all perception though. I've found Cllr Grant to be nothing but unhelpful and rude in all my dealings with him.
You're free to take exception to our comments. We are merely making an observation that according to the Members Interests he has no source of income which we find - frankly - unbelievable for someone as young as him with a family. We doubt he lives on his Cllr allowance alone. Is he a paid member of some sort of board we wonder?
As to the rather weak veiled criticism of this "medium", we are doing something positive, we're making our voice heard because the system is stacked against the people of the Borough. It's called freedom of speech and it appears to frighten some people, especially the nomenklatura.
I don't think his father runs the Westcombe Society, but he is on the committee as well as being the editor of the Westcombe News - which might as well have a rose on the top and be published from Labour HQ.
...but I concur with the rest of your point - I have only come across him a couple of times (you'd have thought being my local councillor for the last eight years it would have been more???) and I've often thought that a spell at manners school would do him no harm.
Anon 1, is this the same Alex Grant who has worked so hard over the last few years that he had to smear his opponents in the council elections?
I've also came across him and in general I've found him to be rather arrogant towards people.
Finally in the members’ interest it does say that he's in the Union of Journalists.
In defence of Alex Grant
He may come across as a bit brash and get carried away at times, but at least he has a brain, unlike some of the pondlife members of Labour Group from Eltham or the likes of Kanta Patel and Rajwant Sidhu. Jesus, where do they get these people from? You must have to fail the IQ test to get a safe seat.
I think I speak for all my colleagues on the town hall payroll here as well!
Anon in defence,
That sounds like a depressing state of affairs about the council.
I was wondering how the council employees feel about the elections as a whole? And the Grant smear thing too?
The employees feel nothing. At every set of elections, the administration always gets in. Has always been the way in Greenwich. The only fun is at the council AGM time when you wonder who's in or out? Even then, it's hardly Big Brother.
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