Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Council prepares for logo rebranding?

Oh yes we're back, we hope the Council didn't think they would be getting rid of us that easily. After ten glorious days in the Costa Del Cheap Seats we have returned fully relaxed and invective free (we fired him... again). What news do we bring? Well just a little thing that we noticed whilst we walked through the detritus that is Woolwich. We have reason to believe that the Council is about to go through a rebranding exercise. Why would we think this a reader may ask?

Well, we spotted someone walking along with a Greenwich Council branded plastic carrier bag (greener Greenwich huh?). Whilst the bag appeared to have the three lines that nearly got us sued once buried in the corner, the bag itself was blazoned with the word Greenwich - in official Greenwich green (which they claimed they owned) - along with a rather nifty sort lightening flash streak going upwards.

It kind of looked like a projectile sneeze to us, but then what do we know about graphic design? We reckon, if the idiotic scrawl of a tree the Tories decided to have cost them £60,000 then this scrawl, being even more childish, probably cost at least the same. Whether it really is a new logo rebranding we do not - as yet - know, but they still spent money on it.

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