Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Former parliamentary and council candidate banned from casino meeting

It's been brought to our attention that the Council effectively banned a former council and parliamentary candidate from a meeting which was discussing the Casino. In October 2005, Chris Le Breton was asked to attend a Greenwich Pennisual Partnership meeting by the Bellot Street Tenants Association. At the meeting we've been told that Mr Le Breton asked a question about the casino to the Anscutz representation.

Following his attendance he was contacted by Andrew Parry, who works for the partnership and council. Mr Parry informed him that the meetings, which discuss the future of Greenwich as well as just the Casino, are not open to the public. He was then told he could not attend again.

According to its brief, the Greenwich Penninsula Partnership "works very closely with local communities and runs a consultative forum". Perhaps that ought to read that it "works very closely with the people it wants to and bans local resident group representatives who disagree with it"?

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Blogger indigo said...

How very very interesting. So, was Sir Bob Scott was being economical with the actualité, when he told the Casino Advisory Panel Examination in Public/Greenwich on 30 August 2006, that there was no opposition to the Dome casino plan?

Bob Scott, of the business-orientated Greenwich Peninsula Partnership, said he had come across no opposition to the Dome plan during a series of public meetings in the area.

"It was quite hard as chairman of these meetings to whip up any opposition at all," he said.

Might that have been because word had already got round the Borough about what happens to people who try to oppose the regional casino at meetings chaired by Sir Bob - they are silenced and banned by a snooty e-mail from a Council/Peninsula Partnership employee.

Note for editors: In 2001 Sir Bob Scott was *asked by the Government* to set up and chair the Greenwich Peninsula Partnership Forum as an adjunct to the business-oriented Greenwich Peninsula Partnership. So when Sir Bob bans you - a representative from part of the Greenwich community (such as the Bellot Street residents association) - you are, effectively, being banned by the Government. Pretty intimidating - eh? And in this Labour-controlled Borough, with a compromised Labour MP (and, as we know now, an interfering Labour Deputy Prime Minister) there is no one to appeal to.

7:20 am  

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