Friday, June 09, 2006

Crossrail update

Well it's been a month since Greenwich Council's petition for a Crossrail station at Woolwich was submitted to the Crossrail Select Committee, and we did say we would try to keep you updated with preceedings.

There appears to have been a number of ammendments made to the bill from the last round of petitions but there is no mention of the Woolwich station in them. However, some parts of the Council's petition relating to Plumstead and the White Hart Road area have got in.

The Council is currently promoting a video it's made with Nick Raynsford MP and local people as part of their campaign, however, we presume much of the campaign must be back door lobbying as Raynsford hasn't spoken about CrossRail in the Commons for some time.

The Select Committee petition process continues and the final date for depositing petitions to the Amended Crossrail Bill is 13th June.

Woolwich waits with baited breath.



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