There is something very strange going on at the Council this month. They're having a full Council meeting just four weeks since the last one. We've been thinking that it was almost democratic but then we read the agenda and found ourselves in a corner of the office giggling like a pretty schoolgirl in pigtails.
The thing that made us giggle was a motion tabled by the councillor for Thamesmead, Jackie Smith, which essentially blames the Tory opposition for the failures in the local education results. We think it's worth saying here that the Tories have not been in power in Greenwich for
well over the 30 years, so the idea that they could be to blame for anything in the Borough takes idiocy to a new level.
Jackie, we tip our hat to your idiocy and brass neck lunacy. Nay, we not only think you're an idiot, we think you're about as intelligent as an ameoba with Down Syndrome. We've decided to coin such stupidty as "idiot-plus-plus-good". Should our dear readers be wondering what the details of the motion are it goes like this.
Apparently, the Tories have not supported the "Achievement Agenda" in education and thus when Greenwich went from somewhere in the region of 20th from bottom, to bottom, it was all the fault of the Tory councillors that number barely more than ten in a council of over 50.
We have another theory about the motion though. It's not just about pointless party politics that no one cares about (as no normal people read or pay attention to the politics going on in Greenwich really). Putting aside the fact that so many cannot read because they were educated here, we couldn't help but notice that the acronym of "Achievement Agenda" is "AA".
Could it be that Councillor Smith was making an unprovoked, unprecendented, and decidely sneaky attack on one of her fellow councillors, and the possible issues they may or may not have with the bottle and the bottom of a glass? We couldn't possibly comment of course.